Grosvenor Family Lifehouse

Pauline ODonnell 31.01.22Guest speaker Pauline O'Donnell, Programme Co-coordinator Grosvenor Family Lifehouse in a well-received address advised how they offer a safe, supportive environment for families. She noted:

She stressed the success of the communal area created in 2016 and the subsequent purpose-built hub for programmes such as first aid training and even pre-Covid a tai chi class which she explained greatly helped with mental health issues and panic attacks. She highlighted that children suffered greatly with mental health issues during lockdown and that they had worked with each child separately. They have also created a sensory garden with trees, shelters and even an igloo, which is a safe place to play and especially during the pandemic was an area for socially distanced relaxation. She revealed that as their regular surveys of the residents indicate the usefulness of going for walks, they are now looking for finance to develop an area with fitness equipment for adults only.