Founder Member's Grandson Visits Club

HarfordPresident Ken was delighted to welcome to the Club Monday 16 June John Montgomery (pictured right), the grandson of founder member Harford Montgomery, the Club's 2nd President, whose family presented the Montgomery Silver Rose Bowl in 1934 to the Club as his memorial. The bowl, which is being held, is a feature of Club meetings and always has particular interest for any visitors.

It used to be filled with flowers from one of the members at each meeting which were afterwards sent to a hospital or to a member or his wife who was ill. In 1993 the Club Council took a decision to introduce a special fund which was to be used to make life easier for children in hospital in the Belfast area or in special care units with close ties to hospitals. The fund would be called Children in Hospital Appeal and donations are now made to it by members in lieu of flowers. Also welcomed to the meeting and shown left was District 1160 Governor Elect Phillip Beggs.