Club Welcomes 1st Female District Ireland Governor

DG VerityandOfficersPresident Ken was delighted to welcome to the Club, Monday 21 October 2013, the 1st female District Ireland Governor Verity Swan. District Governor Verity stated she was aware of the long history of the Club and was delighted to be visiting within the "family of Rotary". She stressed that dialogue is vital and communication must be 2 way - questions answered and asked. She pointed out that she has been asking everyone she meets "have you ever been asked to join Rotary?" and has found in most cases they haven't been... and 3 people she has asked now aspire to become members!

She asked all members to shout from the rooftops about Rotary and ask people to join. She hoped that this year we will rise to all challenges and in every way Engage Rotary and Change Lives. After the meeting she presented several long-standing members with a 2013-14 theme pin.