GET SET for Work

PresAndYASpeakersPresident Ronnie Porter and Club members were delighted to welcome to Monday's meeting (from left) YouthAction NI's Amy Gillen, (GET SET Work Placement Mentor), Clare Conlon (Team Leader) and Johnny O'Dwyer (Trainee) to hear about their GET SET for Work - Youth Employability Project for young people aged 16-24 not in employment, education or training (NEET). 

It will target and train 810 rural/urban young people who face multiple barriers, who are the furthest from work and have none or below level 1 qualification in local communities in: Newry, Mourne and Down District Council, Armagh, Fermanagh and North, West and East Belfast. In partnership with employers and local communities they will address the key areas Skills for life, skills for learning and skills for work throughout the 6 programme areas including the GET SET to GO employer led skills workshops. It is expected 72% will progress into employment, further training or education, 24% will progress into structured volunteering, 90% (minimum) will achieve an industry relevant qualification and 90% (minimum) will gain work skills/experience through work placements or youth volunteering programme. Full details of the Programme can be seen here.