Rotary Global Essay Competition

EssayThe Rotary International Global Essay competition, organised by the RC Pune Katraj in India, is now open to all provided submissions are through a local Rotary Club. There are 3 age groups (below 18 years; 18-30 years and over 30 years). Closing date 10 November. There are several prize categories including a paid for 5 day trip to India for the group winners. If you are interested please contact your local Rotary Club. More information below.

Detailed information on eligibility, rules, guidelines and topics can be found on the competition website here but in summary:

There are several prize categories:

Group winners in addition to a trophy, certificate of appreciation and a special memento will win a unique 5 day all-paid trip to Pune, India intended to promote an understanding among Rotarians across boundaries and which will provide the winners opportunities to:

Group runners up, the best essay from each region and the top 100 essays will also receive a trophy, certificate of appreciation and a special memento. All entries will receive an electronic format Certificate of Participation.

This year's theme focuses on World Understanding and Peace and there are several topics within each Group.

Group I - Below 18 years

1.Emissaries of Peace

Those working for peace at internationally are recognized with Nobel Prize. This does not mean that those are the only people devoting their life to establish peace in this world. You may know of other outstanding emissaries of peace around you, whose work should be emulated by others. Tell us about who they are and what they have done in your own words.

2.Influence of Education on Peace

Students see lot of conflicts around them these years. The reason for conflicts may be due to various reasons - due to ideological reasons or motivated ulterior reasons. Do reasons like hunger, diseases, lack of education, inequality, etc. fuel and spread these conflicts further? Will better education and exposure help reduce the conflicts? Does improving quality of education to all bring Peace to society?

3."Be the change you want to see in the World"

These are the words of Mahatma Gandhi, a famous leader, who preached peaceful means to end conflicts. As young minds you see a lot of issues and conflicts that disturb the peace in the world. As citizens of the world and as future leaders, what changes would you suggest the current leaders to do to instil peace, what changes would you do to yourself and to your society to help leaders make this change?

4.If I become President / Prime Minister / Head of my country

As teenager, we see many issues / conflicts / inequalities around us and feel they need to be resolved & there are ways and means. But, wonder why the authorities in charge are not acting or doing enough. What if you were given the chance to run your own country? What all action you will initiate to realize the country of your dreams and bring about Peace and harmony in your society?

Group II - 18 to 30 years

1.What brings Peace - Deterrents or Incentives?

Globally there are talks of deterrents like wars against WMDs or sanctions against warring nations. There are also countries that discuss incentives to establish peace like power-sharing, trade and investment partnership, negotiations and mediation, etc. What works better? Would deterrents be able to get the erring countries back in line? For how long can deterrents work? Or would incentives work better? What do we learn from our past? Give us your opinion on that with a sound argument.

2.Diversity - Strengthens Peace or Creates Conflicts

Countries and regions across the world have a lot of diversity in terms of race, language, religions, cultures, etc. There have been multiple examples where diverse countries have come together to unite under a single banner to fight for a cause and there also have been examples of countries that have disintegrated because of divergent views. So, do these diversities teach us to live in peace or lead us to conflict?

3.Economic development and Peace

Mankind has squeezed limited resources and created a scarcity in the quest for development. This has resulted in wars and indirect conflicts for centuries. The methods have changed, but the discords continue. Does it mean that Development robs us of Peace? Is there a development model in which peace is an integral part of developing the society?

4.Impact of Atomic Power on Peace

World has seen devastating impact of atomic power during the World War. However, atomic energy has been a boon to mankind as it has been a huge source of energy and arguably also deterrent to another World War. What are myths and facts?

5.At Peace with Nature

Humanity's constant attack on nature is probably more dangerous than an armed conflict between two warring nations. Wars have been are being waged for supremacy over natural resources. In this war against nature mankind has always be the loser. How important is to end this conflict and how to end it? So, is it not time to surrender to nature and end the conflict? Is it too late already? Or is there still time for a successful retreat?

Group III - 30 years and above

1.Towards Peace through Spirituality

All the religious leaders have said that one cannot be at peace unless it comes within. To be at peace with oneself comes from spirituality. What does spirituality means to you? How can it make this world a peaceful planet?

2.Peace through Service

For more than a century, Rotary has focused its humanitarian projects to bring peace to the community through service projects. Rotary has operated with firm belief that peace can exist only if people are healthy, educated and have ample opportunities. What has been the impact of Rotary's service projects in taking this world closer to peace?

3.Peace after War

Over last few decades, we have seen wars being fought to bring about peace. Have these initiatives succeeded in their stated missions or aggravated the problems? Can war be justified as means to Peace? Are there cases where war has established Peace?

4.Say No to Bullying

Conflicts arise out of desire to control and dominate other human beings. Right from the days in school come face-to-face with bullying in different forms. Bullying if not nipped in the bud may go onto foster anti-social elements who disrupt peace. Internet has now added a newer dimension to the issue that is expanding to scary proportions. So now, more than any time before, we need to come together and stop all forms of bullying. Tell us how children are victimized by bullies and how can that be stopped.

5.Peacekeeping Forces - An inherent Contradiction

Can peace be forced - shouldn't it be a voluntary state of mind? What is the international politics behind Peacekeeping Forces? Are International organizations are adept more at diplomacy or using force? How can conflicts be resolved with minimum damages to human life?