Rotary Club of Belfast

Club Long Service Recognised

CertJohnMcCleeryThe Rotary Club of Belfast is delighted to congratulate 19 members who have been awarded Rotary International Long Service Certificates – which start at 25 years!

The Certificates are signed by RI President John Germ and reflect Rotary's appreciation for demonstrated commitment to the ideal of Service Above Self and dedication to the object of Rotary.

They have been presented to the members concerned at Club meetings; picture shows John McCleery receiving his 50 years Certificate from Rotary Ireland Assistant Governor Roland Bailie at the Club Assembly 03 October.

The full award list is below (PP represents Past President of the Club):


50 years   45 years   40 years   35 years 30 years   25 years
PP Trevor Dickey
John McCleery
   PP Gordon Millington    CT Hogg
PP Craig McClelland
Fred Sweeney
   PP David Boyd
PP Brian Byers
PP Brian Clements
PP Bryan Johnston
PP Campbell Morton
PP Alan Rundle
PP Victor McKirgan
   PP Derek Baxter
Teddy Elliott
PP Brian Ferguson
PP Trevor Hinds
PP John Lowry
Bob Skelly


CertGordonMillington  CT Hogg  Cert Craig McClelland  FredSweeny  CertDavidBoyd  CertBrainByers  BrianClements
 Gordon Millington
CT Hogg
 Craig McClelland
Fred Sweeney 
 David Boyd
Bryan Byers 
Brian Clements 
CertBryanJohnston CertAlanRundle CertDerekBaxter  BrianFerguson  CertTrevorHinds  CertJohnLowry25yrs CertBobSkelly 25yrs
Bryan Johnston 
Alan Rundle 
Derek Baxter 
Brian Ferguson 
Trevor Hinds 
John Lowry 
Bob Skelly 

Join Us

Membership of the Club is an incredibly rewarding and enjoyable experience and we are actively looking for new people to invite to join and breathe new vibrancy and ideas into the Club and take Rotary into its second century in Belfast.

If you think Rotary may be for you, or for further information, please contact us.

Getting involved with Rotary could be the most important thing you ever do.

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