Early Diagnosis the Key

PresentationTimeSlide4President Ivan, in a wonderfully illustrated presentation Monday 21 November advised members, now 5 years on, of his cancer diagnosis and the process. He pointed out the medical danger signals and highlighted the hard facts re Pancreatic Cancer in NI. Stressing that early diagnosis was the key he pointed out the medical danger signals.

Slide6Slide8When he first saw a doctor in April 2011 he was experiencing 3 of them - first 2 and last (right). He was diagnosed with acid in his stomach and given tablets which improved his symptoms. However 6 months later, now experiencing the other 2 symptoms, he saw a different Doctor and an hour later following blood tests (which indicated liver products in his blood) he was told to head straight to A&E at 11 minutes past 11.00 on Friday the 11th! He was asked to come back for more tests and a MRI Scan. Following which the Consultant brought him into a side room and gave him the terrible news that his pancreas had a growth. The only good news was that he may be able to have surgery which took 2 days to confirm.

Slide11Slide12He advised that he researched all the statistics and realised that he had a 10% chance of not surviving the op, but he organised his affairs and 3 weeks later he faced the Whipples procedure very relaxed. After 7 hrs all the area marked grey on the slide (left) was successfully removed and he faced 8 months of Chemotherapy vitally keeping clear of infections.

Slide14He returned to work - but this time instead of dealing with 15 staff he had 122! He ran 2 marathons and several mini marathons but was advised 2 days before his 2nd marathon that the cancer had resurfaced... more tests and chemotherapy followed but 10 months later he was again back at work!

Slide17Slide16Considering what's it like 5 years on he noted that it hadn't been all bad and he was extremely thankful, with help he had raised a huge amount of money, wasn't complacent and was involved in many organisations. He emphasised the NHS had been brilliant in his case and stressed that early diagnosis was the key.