Welcome President Rosemary

PresRosemary2017 18The Club are delighted to welcome President Rosemary Simpson for the 2017/18 Rotary Year.

Following her late husband Douglas (1988) and father in law Arthur (1952) in holding the office, President Rosemary is the 2nd female President of The Rotary Club of Belfast.

Presidential office is not new to her however as she was President of the Inner Wheel Club of Belfast and went on to become District 16 Chairman and positions at Association and International levels.

She notes that the Club will continue to promote the service Rotary gives to the community both locally and worldwide currently helping young and older people at home through YouthAction, Mitchell House and the Tree of Remembrance; whilst worldwide supporting the fight to ‘End Polio Now’, helping restore sight in underdeveloped countries and through ShelterBox and AquaBox aiding those in distress overseas.