Honorary Member June Trimble, CEO YouthAction NI

PresRosemaryInductsJuneAsHonMemberPresident Rosemary warmly welcomed YouthAction NI's CEO June Trimble MBE as an Honorary Member at the Club meeting Monday 05 February, presenting her with a banner and a copy of the Club's 2nd 50 Years book.

Thanking the Club and noting that she felt it was more for YouthAction than for herself June Trimble stressed the benefits to the young people the business community skills have been - to date 690 young people have been involved in GETSET with 78% of whom having moved on to work or further education.

WalterIntroducesJuneTrimbleWalter Rader introducing June noted that she had started as a social worker in the village area of the Donegall Road; her special contribution typified by her commitment to research on the needs of young people and rural isolation. Since her YouthAction appointment she had provided a caring and visionary leadership particularly for deciding to sell the old headquarters Hampton House and creating a new momentum with a newly built, easily accessible and welcoming headquarters at College Square North.