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BJ NZ2Past President Bryan Johnston updated the Club Monday 26 March on the progress he has made following up from his first visit to the Rotary Club of Belfast Kaiapoi, Christchurch, NZ on 2014 advising that the quest for information on one NZ war grave has turned to 'finding' 26 war dead from NZ buried in NI Cemeteries. He advised that he has now discovered that actually 26 NZ airmen are buried across NI. He has visited every grave and photographed every headstone and created and framed a montage of them all.

He has not only also presented this to the Trust in NI but travelled with his daughter Barbara to NZ in February and presented one to the RNZAF Museum in Christchurch which was received by Matthew O’Sullivan, Research Team. He addressed the Rotary Club of Belfast/Kaiapoi and also presented President John McCaul with a framed montage.

Having now obtained photos of 23 of the airmen he hopes to create a montage of their photographs. The Club congratulates and thanks him for all the time and effort he has expended. 

The full story can be read here.