Club helps during World Suicide Prevention Week

Tea Party Sept 2014FASA recently marked the end of World Suicide Prevention Week with a Mad Hatters Tea Party which was a very moving but uplifting.

Picture shows far left Dave from the SAFE family support group (Suicide Aftercare for Everyone), FASA's Roberta Coates who organised the party and Club Past President Courtenay who gave the vote of thanks and helped with a collection up the Shankill Road. Our Hon. Member Dame Mary Peters gave a very uplifting and inspiring talk on the fantastic comfort and HOPE that the SAFE support group gives to the families that have lost a loved one. Hope 4 Youth,A group of young people affected directly by suicide, each day of the Suicide prevention week walked to all the areas of the city where there is a bereaved families' support group; they covered at least 100 miles in total from the City Hall, East Belfast, Newtownards the Falls Road and West Belfast.

Ann Bill MBE, Chief Executive FASA congratulated the Club for the gift of the Rotary trailer, which is in permanent use and does really get to those young people who could so easily get caught up in under age drinking, substance abuse and liable to suicide.