Positive Thinking

BerylAddressesClub2Thank you guest speaker Beryl Crawford, Inner Wheel Club of Belfast President, for your very well received address to the Club on the benefits of Positive Thinking on Monday 20 October. President Beryl pointed out that her philosophy stemmed from her father’s lesson in life – always be positive and look for something bigger and better than you want then achieving slightly less won’t matter. She urged all to not look at life as a pessimist with the glass half empty but to put “jizz” into all you do with positive thinking. She stressed that our thoughts have a huge impact on how we act and that we cannot be rose tinted but by having a positive attitude in the way we think it will become a natural default. This can happen she advised because, based on modern scientific theory, the brain can actually change its own structure and function, even into old age. She concluded by quoting thoughts from American minister and author Norman Vincent Peale from his best-selling book The Power of Positive Thinking – think joy - happiness is a choice not a result.