Rotaract Club thanking Care Homes

carehomes1Congratulations to the fledging Rotaract Club of Belfast on their latest project delivering bags of chocolates and other snacks to several Belfast care homes as a thanks to all the carers and staff for all their hard work and dedication during this difficult COVID-19 pandemic. These initial homes were chosen because Rotaract members received a nice feedback from their residents or residents' families and wanted to thank them this way but they will be continuing to hand over bags to more care homes.

carehomes2All of the boxes were carefully packed and delivered by the Rotaractors and they found “it was beautiful to talk to the staff of these care homes while we were delivering the boxes even though it is just a box of snacks... it is the gesture that counts so much and they really appreciate it”.

They particularly thank the Club for the start up donation and Henderson Foodservices who have been very supportive and generous.