Hope Street Experience

P1030942IMG 643317 members and partners had a very enjoyable Hope Street Experience Monday 03 July! Unfortunately the weather was very changeable and the 'cruise' around the Copelands could not take place. They were able however to have the planned walk around the town. 

Led by members of the Donaghadee Rotary Club the very interesting walking tour covered some of the Hope Street locations and even saw a few of the main characters walk, from their compound at the old bus station, to shoot at “The Commodore”!

However this meant that as Pier 36 was needed for the shoot it was unavailable for the evening meal but the nearby Harbour & Company restaurant provided a delicious evening meal in a beautiful setting.

President Stephen expressed thanks on behalf of those present to Ronnie and Elma for arranging the excellent event as well as to the very knowledgeable Donaghadee guides.
