Visit to Londonderry Club

GroupExchanging BannersA highly successful fraternal vist to the Rotary Club of Londonderry was enjoyed Monday 4 March by 17 members with 2 wives Mabel Baird and Norma Millington who set off on the 10.30 bus to Londonderry. President Gavin Killeen welcomed all, expressed how delighted they were by the visit from their parent Club and Presidents Gavin and Alan exchanged banners.

on the wallsoutside the shopThe day followed with a conducted tour of the walls by Londonderry Club member Fiona Faller, which also included a visit to the beautifully refurbished Cathedral with the Dean opening up the organ for PP Brian to play! There was also a stop outside Baldies Barbers for some to contemplate, a walk across the Peace Bridge to the Eglinton Barracks Square and for President Alan to stand outside his family firm's former practice front. An excellent visit ended with the bus home.