Rotary Club of Belfast

History of TABU

PPDavidTABUHistoryPast President (PP) David Boyd in a well-received and illuminating address explained to the Club, Monday 23 July, the origins and development of the TABU project spearheaded by the Belfast Club - see details here. Having summarised the current programme of both Clubs he then stressed the dramatic impact it has had on the students and their parents.

The Exchange has raised the students' awareness of issues on a global level, preparing them to journey forth to their universities and the world beyond with new ideas and an open mind in ways that would not have been possible if the programme did not exist. Many of our former students can trace their career paths to TABU and to their trips, the Rotarians they met and the ideas explored in meeting with students, political activists and the opportunity to absorb a culture and set of ideas that were different from their own. In some cases these paths have been cemented and in others totally changed. Students have ventured into Law, Foreign Service, Teaching, International Banking as well as politics and the media. It has also fostered friendships that have had a lasting impact on those who have participated in the process and directly led to the setting up of Rotaract and Interact Clubs and inter-school projects particularly on mediation and music.  PP David also revealed that 3 parents one from Belfast and two from Highland Park have been so impressed by the positive changes they saw on their sons' return that they have joined their respective clubs. 

Address by Paul Chambers Page 2Address by Paul Chambers Page 1PP David concluded by thanking Council and members for their continuing support and encouraged all members to get involved in some way thereby revealing why it has been so successful. Noting further information can be read in the Club’s 2nd 50 Years book he commended the address to the Club by Paul Chambers which he considered encapsulates it all. It can be read here.




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