Rotary Club of Belfast

Club Visit and Award to Corrymeela

Corrymeela07The Club are delighted to award the 2022-23 John Savage Award and Bursary to Corrymeela for the Seeds of Hope project. This is awarded by the Club annually to the individual or group selected as giving great service to the Community (more about the Award can be seen here). Following an outline of the history of the Award and the Club member it is in memory of, by Eric Rainey and Past President Brian Clements respectively, the Trophy was presented to Sylvia Gordon, Head of Programme by Past President Brian during a joint Rotary Club visit to Corrymeela, Tuesday 14 May 2024.

Corrymeela05The group attending was given a wonderful welcome at Corrymeela and included members of the Rotary Clubs of Belfast led by Immediate Past President Ken and Dublin led by President Delma Sweeney as well as Thomas Dorg, Director of the Coretta and Martin Luther King Institute for Peace and Alaa Alshaham, Director of Special Projects at The Pursuit of Harmony, who is working with Thomas at the King Institute.

Corrymeela02Corrymeela04aCoffee and freshly baked scones were followed by an explanation of the origins and work of the Centre from Sylvia Gordon, as well as an update on the Seeds of Hope Programme (which both Rotary Clubs are supporting) from Gareth Gould Programme Manager: Legacies of Conflict.

Corrymeela08 Corrymeela08 Corrymeela09

The morning concluded with some hardy folk braving the inclement weather for a quick tour of the site; sadly, the heavy mist meant the wonderful views of the sea and islands were hidden!


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